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“Betteke van Ruler benoemd tot ICA Fellow”

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Op de conferentie van de internationale vereniging van communicatiewetenschappers, International Communication Association, in Praag is Betteke van Ruler op 26 mei j.l. benoemd tot ICA Fellow.

De Fellow status is vooral een erkenning van de bijzondere wetenschappelijke bijdragen aan het brede onderzoeksgebied van de communicatie. Het CV en de publicatielijst van de betreffende communicatiewetenschapper is daarom het belangrijkste criterium. Daarnaast speelt ook mee of de betrokkene op andere wijze bijgedragen heeft aan de ontwikkeling van communicatieonderwijs en -praktijk en aan de ontwikkeling de ICA. Een foto van de plaquette van het Fellowship is bijgevoegd.

Het juryrapport luidt als volgt:

“Dr. van Ruler has been at the forefront of the theoretical development of the field of public relations and strategic management. Highly respected among public relations and organizational scholars in Communication and related disciplines and honored by professional associations and practitioners, Professor van Ruler has not only been a central figure in bringing cross-national and global perspectives to the study of public relations, she has been a dynamic force in transforming the theoretical and communicative frames that typified the study and practice of public relations. Moving from the traditional American-centric managerial view of the Public Relations field, she has been instrumental in the reframing of public relations as a reflexive process that is embedded in society at large and whose research must be grounded in the theoretical insights of social theory, the methodological rigor of social scientists, and the practical and ethical concerns of civil society. She has been extremely prolific throughout her career. She has authored or co-edited 11 books in English and more than 20 books in Dutch, published over 100 articles and dozens of encyclopedia entries and short pieces in professional outlets. She is an institution builder, working tirelessly in both academic and practitioner settings, mentoring scholars and PR professionals to enhance the identity and scholarly integrity and professionalism of public relations and strategic communication. She was President of European Public Relations Education and Research Association (Euprera), and co-founder of the European Communication Monitor.”

Betteke is sinds haar emeritaat van de Universiteit van Amsterdam aan het laatste deel van haar carrière bezig om nog sterker een brug te bouwen tussen theorie en praktijk. Daarvoor werd enkele jaren geleden de Van Ruler Academy opgericht (
